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Drakes Estero Surf Report and Surf forecast

Drakes Estero Surf Report

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29° Cloudy
wave-deirection 31° Water Temp
1.3 meters
1 m @ 14s SW
11 kmph SE

Drakes Estero Forecast









07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h UPDATED: PERIOD WAVE DIRECTION WIND DIRECTION CLOUD COVER RAIN

Today's Drakes Estero Surf Report

Drakes Estero Daily Surf & Swell Forecast

Saturday 27 April Surf Forecast

Sunday 28 April Surf Forecast

Monday 29 April Surf Forecast

Tuesday 30 April Surf Forecast

Wednesday 1 May Surf Forecast

Thursday 2 May Surf Forecast

Friday 3 May Surf Forecast

More on Drakes Estero

Located in Marin County, California, Drakes Estero is a good river mouth/estero that offers up some fast tubes when the conditions line up. The waves here can be a bit tricky to surf and break for up to 100 meters over the sandbars. This spot is one of the hottest spots for Great Whites in all of California. It is common to see multiple sharks feeding here when checking the waves. Don’t surf outgoing, the current becomes a river and will take you straight into packs of our finned friends who are most likely to feed on the outgoing water rich with seals. A lot of Marin surfers will not surf here due to the shark risk, so don’t expect crowds.

What are the best surf conditions for Drakes Estero?

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