
Pilih unit

Jangkungna bareuh LIPI ANGIN Jangkungna ombak TEMP.
UK ft mph m ° C
US ft mph ft ° f
Eropa m kmph m ° C

Tamri Surf Report and Surf forecast

Tamri Surf Laporan

, ,

29 ° loba awana
gelombang-deirection 31 ° Suhu cai
1.3 méter
1 m @ 14s SW
11 km/jam SE

Ramalan Tamri

Jangkungna ombak




ANGIN (Angin)



(° C)

07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h diropéa: jaman ARAH GELOMBANG ARAHAN ANGIN PANUTUP MEWAN hujan
Pilari nu post-surfing kopi atawa feed?
No problem! The closest coffee shops to Tamri are:
Poto Warung Kopi
we cordially invite you to our restaurant Hassan JOLO, it combines tradition with modernity in an exceptional way. we mainly serve traditional Moroccan cuisine, especially fish, local fish of the day, we add variety to our menu according to the season.
Poto Warung Kopi
We cordially invite you to our restaurant Wave. It combines tradition with modernity in an exceptional way. Its interior is unique because it is built entirely of wood and they have been ingeniously blended with the modern decor. We mainly serve traditional Moroccan cuisine and add variety to our menu according to the season.
Poto Warung Kopi
ANZAR, a concept inspired by the tendency of prendre soin de soi tout and respectful of nature. The restaurant proposes bowls vegetarians and vegetarians not the Dragon Bowl but also the other options available with examples of sandwiches on thon and le wrap on chicken. The boutique offers souvenirs created by artistic Marocains and traditional biological products.

Dinten ieu Tamri Surf Laporan

Tamri Daily Surf & ngabareuhan Ramalan

Saptu 27 April Ramalan Surf

Minggu 28 April Ramalan Surf

Senen 29 April Ramalan Surf

Salasa 30 April Surf Ramalan

Rebo 1 Méi Surf Ramalan

Kemis 2 Méi Surf Ramalan

Jumaah 3 Méi Surf Ramalan

Langkung lengkep ihwal Tamri

Tamri mangrupikeun titik-titik nalika dimana-mana di daérah Taghazout datar. Putus pantai anu konsisten pisan ieu tiasa dianggo dina pasang anu béda-béda gumantung kana bank pasir sareng ngabareuhan, kalayan bumi muara pikeun onta, flamingo sareng perkebunan cau. Kalayan ngabareuhan NW sareng angin SE, Tamri bakal ngahontal poténsi pinuh na. Beda sareng seueur tempat sanés di daérah éta, éta darat sareng angin kalér.

Beginners kudu sadar sabaraha jauh maranéhna geus drifted handap basisir. Pikeun para peselancar anu langkung berpengalaman, biasana aya panangan kénca anu hébat di luar bank pasir payuneun gawir, salah sahiji ti saeutik anu tinggaleun di bagian urang Maroko.

Awas tina rips pisan kuat nalika ngabareuhan ngahontal 4ft atawa leuwih.