
Agħżel l-unitajiet

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Point Dume Surf Rapport u tbassir Surf

Point Dume Surf Report

, , , ,

29° Mdardar
id-direzzjoni tal-mewġ 31° Temp tal-Ilma
1.3 metri
1 m @ 14s SW
11 kmph SE

Tbassir tal-Punt Dume








(° C)

07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h 09h 11h 13h 15h 17h 19h 21h 23h 01h 03h 05h 07h AĠĠORNAT: PERJODU DIREZZJONI TAL-MEWĠ DIREZZJONI TAR-RIĦ KOPERTURA TAS-Sħaba Xita
Qed tfittex dak il-kafè jew l-għalf wara s-surf?
No problem! The closest coffee shops to Point Dume are:
Ritratt tal-Ħanut tal-Kafè
We love being your local neighborhood coffee roaster since 2006. We focus on creating the best tasting coffee in LA and have won numerous awards and accolades. We feature espresso based drinks and also single origin coffees from our hand pour over drip bar. We also have fresh baked pastries, sandwiches, and small sweet bites everyday, and feature European products for your home and kitchen.
Ritratt tal-Ħanut tal-Kafè
We are monitoring all local, state and federal regulations to provide customers with contactless ordering options. While some restaurants may have dining rooms open, others are serving customers through the Drive Thru, with Mobile Order & Pay on the McDonald's App, and with McDelivery®. McDonald's remains committed to following the data and science with safety as our top priority. In response to the CDC's guidance, crew and customers will be required to resume wearing masks inside U.S. restaurants in areas with high or substantial transmission, regardless of vaccination status. Masks are always required for customers and crew who are not vaccinated. In addition to performing deep cleaning, safety shields are also in place for protection.

Point Dume Surf Report tal-lum

Tbassir ta' Surf & Swell ta' Kuljum ta' Point Dume

Is-Sibt 4 ta’ Mejju Tbassir tas-Surf

Il-Ħadd 5 ta' Mejju Tbassir tas-Surf

It-Tnejn 6 ta’ Mejju Tbassir tas-Surf

It-Tlieta 7 ta’ Mejju Tbassir tas-Surf

L-Erbgħa 8 ta' Mejju Tbassir tas-Surf

Il-Ħamis 9 ta' Mejju Tbassir tas-Surf

Il-Ġimgħa 10 ta' Mejju Tbassir tas-Surf

Aktar dwar Point Dume

Jinsabu fit-Tramuntana tal-Kontea ta 'Los Angeles, in-Nofsinhar tal-Kalifornja, Point Dume huwa waqfa divertenti fuq il-bajja li tirragħad fuq qiegħ tar-ramel. Il-mewġ hawn huma ġeneralment tqil u ħoxnin, li jkissru sa 50 metru li jipprovdu sezzjonijiet kbar għall-qawwa carves u hacks kif ukoll it-tubu okkażjonali.

X'inhuma l-aħjar kundizzjonijiet tas-surf għal Point Dume?

Jiġi tajjeb minn qadd għoli għal overhead doppju. Nirrakkomandaw li rkib shortboard hawn. Din il-bajja mhix għal dawk li jibdew, intermedji u 'l fuq se jieħdu pjaċir għalkemm. Is-surf hawnhekk mhuwiex konsistentement tajjeb (4/10) u normalment ikollu pakkett fuqu (7/10). L-aqwa irjieħ jiġu mill-Grigal. Nefħa xierqa min-Nofsinhar, mill-Lbiċ, jew mill-Punent se tipprovdi l-oġġetti. Tajjeb fuq il-mareat kollha.

Nirrakkomandaw li tilbes wetsuit 3/2 fis-sajf Aktar ...